DragonBoat Beaufort’s Outreach Programs
DragonBoat Beaufort’s Outreach Programs
Provide assistance for cancer patients that live, work or receive treatment in Beaufort County. Assistance is provided through one-on-one grants for items not normally covered by traditional means.
Our Paddling Program promotes wellness, healing and the thrill of competition.
Compassionate Care for non-financial needs such as transportation, errands, letter writing, or other unique needs is provided through DragonBoat Beaufort.
“The hospital sent me home, alone, after my mastectomy – but I needed oxygen that my insurance wouldn’t cover. DragonBoat Beaufort had it there waiting for me, and they stocked my refrigerator with meals. Thank you DBB.”
“The hospital sent me home after they did what they could for my stomach cancer. My home didn’t have a working toilet. DragonBoat Beaufort had a plumber there the day I got home. Thank you DBB.”
“My 3 kids and I live an hour away from Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Every week a volunteer from DragonBoat Beaufort drives out to my house, picks me up, and takes me for treatment. After my 2 hour treatment, another volunteer comes to deliver me home. Thank you, DBB.”
“I was in Charleston for 90 days last spring undergoing cancer treatment. This meant missing my Son’s senior baseball season. DragonBoat Beaufort sent someone to every game – and they cheered him on and always took him a homemade sandwich. Thank you DBB.”
“I am on a chemo regimen for my stage III cancer but developed an infection. I couldn’t afford the co-pay to get the antibiotics, so I was going to have to stop the chemo. DragonBoat Beaufort provided the co-pay and now I am able to continue my fight. Thank you, DBB.”